
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Freedom Isn't Free Beige Shirt

All proceeds will go towards Bundys Legal Defenses Fund
***If you want more then one shirt please place multiple orders.***

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ammon Bundy speaks to potential whistleblowers in the Government and urges them to not be afraid, to come forward, and expose the truth about FBI and Law Enforcement misconduct. "America Will Protect You"! We NEED you to share this so the people who have this info will come forward.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Thank you!

We would like to thank you all for the love and support you showed Cliven and our entire family today. We have to stand together or hang separately.

Hope to See you There!

Please come join us if you are able to!

It's Calving time!

We have had a lot people concerned about our cattle and the condition that they are in since the Bundy men have been taken and are being held has political prisoners. 
Here are just a few pictures of the animals. They are healthy and being well taken care of. It's calving season so we have a lot of cute new calves jumping around :)

An ugly reminder of how important principle is. This is a two way street; we have even seen patriots speak like this against factions that they hate. Such words need never leave our lips.
Principled lovers liberty NEVER become the lynch mob. Set aside hate. Oppose evil and love your neighbor. Just like LaVoy.

Pray for you local sheriff. They have the power to tell the Feds to leave their county. Sheriffs need to stand tall and say, "Not in my county, boys!" Help bring the men in my family home.
This is back in the good ol' days when these four boys were able to roam free. 
Between the four of them they have 4 wife's and 25 kids that are missing them so much. They are trying to stay strong for their husbands/daddies but they want them to come home. Please keep them in your prayers.

Left to Right

Ammon, Mel, Dave, Ryan